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Back to School Mental Health Checklist

Writer's picture: Jennifer BertschJennifer Bertsch

Changing schedules, supply lists, forms to fill out, new teachers to meet, heading back to school can be exciting, yet stressful!

We’re here to help you get organized and reduce your feelings of anxiety and stress. Use Serenity’s back-to-school checklist to make sure you and your child are prepared to start the year off right!

1. Get back into a routine

About 1-2 weeks before school starts, gradually (15 minutes each day) move your child’s bedtime and wake up time back to what they will be during the school year.

2. Visit your doctor and therapist

Make sure your vaccine records and physicals are up to date. Get your kids asthma and medication plans from your medication provider signed and updated for your child’s school. Schedule your child’s therapy visits for the fall and winter to coordinate with their other year-round obligations.

3. Review any changes from last year

Does your child have a new bus stop? Are they going to a new school? Walk to the new bus stop and attend an open house so they are ready.

4. Get organized

Print and post school, therapy, and extracurricular activity calendars so you don’t miss any important dates.

5. Talk about expectations – yours and your child’s

Ask your child what their goals are for the school year. Is your rule that homework be done before screen time? Remind them how expectations may be different than in the summer.

6. Plan for healthy meals and snacks

Involve your child in the process so they learn how to make healthy food choices.

7. Schedule child care

Are you a working parent and need before and/or after school care? Make arrangements now.

8. Sign up for fall sports and other after school activities

Research shows that getting kids involved in activities after school creates a sense of belonging and self-worth. Remember to maintain balance between family time, school, self-care, and other activities.

9. Meet teachers, coaches, and program leaders.

Introduce yourself to teachers, coaches and anyone else who will spend time with your child this year. Let them know the best way to reach you and share any important details about your child.

10. Have a last hurrah.

Go to the amusement part you didn’t have time to get to this summer, take a family bike ride, or visit a local attraction like a museum or the zoo.

Remember, Back to School can Bring new Friendships,

New Learning, and Positive Growth!!

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